
I am a wife to an amazing man named Alexander. I’m a mother to a beautiful three year old girl named Leah and very soon our family numbers increase to four as I’m carrying our second child. Most importantly, I am a Jesus girl… completely in love with my Savior. A daughter to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

The blogging done here on a Testimony encompasses all my life experiences that testify to glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It also includes my Bible study activities.

I pray as you read, and share in my life’s journey that it encourages you to have a closer walk with Jesus.

To those of you who want to learn about salvation (a gift of eternal life) through Jesus Christ then feel free mail me to learn more at Sabrina.manikkam@gmail.com


3 thoughts on “About

  1. I love the words on the photo – are they you own or a quote? I would love to share them with those I know. I feel like that describes exactly the change in me since coming to know Jesus.

    • Not my own…I stumbled across it…author unknown but I’m keen on now googling it to see if anyone claims it as there own. I just added, “after I met Jesus”…for it then seemed complete and made sense. You are more than welcome to share it…use whatever tools are available to encourage the unsaved! Blessings!

      • Thank you – I think I’ll make a word art using this. As someone who is newly saved I love the idea of bringing others to Christ! Be Blessed!

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